This is the sixth meeting of the Interstellar Institute, where we explore the many facets of the multi-phase, multi-process and multi-scale physics involved in the evolution of interstellar matter in galaxies. These sessions are designed as moments where numerical, theoretical, methodological and observational results are being put together by close interactions between several actors of the field, to tackle ISM problems, at all scales, investigating every process involved in the overall gas and dust evolution in galaxies.
Current interstellar studies are happening in the very stimulating context of a significant increase of observational diagnostics and performances (e.g. new JWST results, the rise of new radio-astronomical facilities...), combined with the rapid growing complexity of numerical experiments and the development by the astronomical community of data analysis techniques allowing new multi-dimensional explorations. The number, complexity and breadth of interstellar-related studies is increasing steadily, sometimes challenging our ability to keep a clear view of the interesting exploration avenues.
The Interstellar Institute was created as an answer to the inherent difficulty of studying the utterly complex and diverse interstellar physics. Its scientific scope is interstellar medium physics in general, with a focus on the Milky Way, the galactic halo and nearby galaxies. The Interstellar Institute meetings are designed to provide a time for synthesis, to lay out big pictures, test new ideas and identify key questions, clarifying what should be addressed next. Therefore, the Interstellar Institute meetings aim to bring together experts in anything interstellar : gas, dust, cosmic rays, magnetic field, turbulence, star formation, feedback, ... Similarly to the past meetings, this year's session will focus on reaching a balance between multi-wavelength observations, numerical simulations / theory, and data analysis.
Interstellar Institute 6 will embrace the multi-topical interstellar landscape by making an inventory of recent studies, discussing new innovative data analysis techniques, providing a space to explore new ideas, and setting the stage for the new projects that the community should embark on. This annual meeting should be seen as an opportunity to be inspired by the work done in the community, and to openly develop new ideas and new collaborations. Like previous meetings, everyone with an interest in interstellar physics is welcome to apply to Interstellar Institute 6. Please consider joining us this year.
You can find the schedule of our previous sessions at interstellar
The Interstellar Institute sessions are not typical conferences. They bring scientists in a single location for a significant amount of time, to exchange and develop new collaborations. They can be seen as a temporary laboratory combining experts on the many aspects of interstellar physics.
At Institut Pascal participants will find desks for everyone, discussion spaces, meeting rooms equipped for video-conferencing and large seminar amphitheaters. The schedule of each day is made of a few short talks in the morning, followed by free afternoons to chat, work or meet in small groups to discuss specific topics. Each participant is offered the possibility to give a talk or lead a discussion on a specific topic during their stay.
There are no registration fees and lunches and coffee breaks at the Institut Pascal are offered. II will also contribute to funding the lodging of participants. To benefit fully from the experience, participants are invited to stay for as long as they can.
Space is limited, and participants will be selected on the basis of the applications, aiming for a healthy mix of different career stages and research specializations to promote new collaborations.
Please consider spending some time at Institut Pascal this summer, to discuss and work on anything interstellar.
Registration is now closed
For any question, please contact us at : "contact at"